College students are notorious for leading unhealthy lifestyles in regards to health and nutrition. Much to my chagrin I too succumbed to these unhealthy practices. All nighters, horrific dietary habits and lack of exercise were the norm for me.  There was not a high priority placed on health and wellness.  There was actually no priority placed on health and wellness at all. The priority was survival; survive my next exam, presentation, hospital rotations, bills, etc. When you are in survival mode you think short term. Your thoughts are, “What do I have to do to get from point A to point B the quickest?” Usually what would get me from Point A to B was sugar and caffeine infused beverages and food off the dollar menu at Wendy’s.

The problem with short-sighted thinking is that it is ultimately detrimental. Short-sighted thinking catapults you into a state of urgency and when you are in a state like that your critical thinking capabilities are stymied. Critical thinking is purposeful and reflective judgment about what to believe or what to do. The detrimental aspect of my short-sighted thinking was that my health and well being were deteriorating. I felt sluggish and tired all the time and had difficulty concentrating. My blood pressure started to become elevated and my cholesterol levels were going through the roof. Here I was in my early twenties and I was falling apart.

The changing process was slow but eventually I started to think beyond point B and to look towards point Z. I started instituting small manageable health goals and incorporating healthy foods in to my diet. Today, I make more healthy choices then unhealthy ones and I am elated to say all my health issues have been resolved. It takes will power and determination but if you invest today in your health you will reap enormous dividends in the future.