60 Days

60 Days

It just isn’t fair that bad habits take seconds or minutes to form while good habits can take weeks, months or even years. All it took for me were a few cigarettes to get me hooked. During college I worked on a golf course as a greenskeeper. It was tiring and labor...
A Tale of Two Neurotransmitters

A Tale of Two Neurotransmitters

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…”  In our lives we have all felt these opposing emotions Charles Dickens so aptly expresses in his opening sentence of A Tale of Two Cities. Some...
The Freshman 15

The Freshman 15

College students are notorious for leading unhealthy lifestyles in regards to health and nutrition. Much to my chagrin I too succumbed to these unhealthy practices. All nighters, horrific dietary habits and lack of exercise were the norm for me.  There was not a high...